Karen DeLoach

Book - 31 Years
Book - Musings
Excerpt - Tales
Excerpt - Letters
Book Reviews
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If you enjoy true stories full of inspiration and faith, you have come to a good place. I enjoy reading what God has done in the lives of others. Even more, I enjoy writing and sharing about His goodness and loving kindness in my life and the lives of those I love. As a woman of faith I strive, with God’s help, to live up to the words I speak. I believe that is reflected in my writing. In these books


“Thirty-one Years and a Stumble”


“Musings, Meditations, and Memories of One Slightly Dysfunctional American Family”

(co-written with my siblings)


you will find uplifting moments that will encourage you in your daily life and strengthen your faith in our Heavenly Father. Laughter and tears, heartbreak and triumph, struggle and faith can all be found within the pages of these books.


I hope you will enjoy reading excerpts from the books as you explore this site.



This book (Thirty-one Years and a Stumble) is one of deep faith and assurance in the power of actually living the Word of God in our lives…(It) certainly is a reminder to all of us who profess to be followers of Christ, that His Word is yes and Amen, if we only have the courage to walk what we talk. This is one woman who did! Very high recommendation! – Shirley Johnson, Midwest Book Review


If you want to read a work that has words from open hearts and deep convictions, this (Musings, Meditations, and Memories of One Slightly Dysfunctional American Family) is the one for you.  You will smile, shed a few tears, and realize that no family is perfect, no life is without challenges, but you will know that it is through these experiences that you become a family. Sharing life is what a family is all about; this work is a sweet reminder of that. Very highly recommended.   – Shirley Johnson, Midwest Book Review


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Read an excerpt from 31 Years

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Read an excerpt from Musings

Dear Kate . . .your...
By Karen DeLoach

"And let the beauty of the Lord our God
be upon us,
And establish the work of our hands for us;
Yes, establish the work of our hands."
- Psalm 90:17

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